Image by Canva The same applies to FaceTime. You worry whether people will see the roots of your hair that you haven’t colored in a while or the tiny pimple on the side of your nose. Fortunately, most people won’t scrutinize you as much as you think, but there are ways to ensure you look your best in a video and make a favorable impression. Let’s look at some of those.

1. Keep the Light Natural

Watch the lighting. The wrong lighting will cast harsh shadows on your face and upper body. The most flattering is natural light with the source of light in front of you. Natural diffuse light softens your face and features and makes tiny imperfections less apparent. Backlighting is the worst, as a backlit scene can turn you into a silhouette. If possible, film videos in front of a window so natural light come through. Which window will work best? Observe the windows in your house during various times of day to determine which window offers a good flow of diffuse light at what time of day. Time your videos accordingly. If it’s a sunny day and sunlight shines through the window, the light may be too harsh and will cast shadows on your face. One way to diffuse the light is to place a transparent shower curtain liner over the window. A curtain or thick liner will block too much of the light, but a thin shower liner is just right. Plus, they usually cost under $5.00.

2. Keep Your Eyes Level With the Lens

Alignment with the camera matters too. You’ll look more natural if you line your eyes up level with the lens of the camera. Using this positioning not only feels more comfortable but you’re less likely to become fatigued during filming. Image by Canva When sitting, make sure your seat is at a level where your eyes line up with the camera lens. Plus, if your eyes are even with the camera, it’s easier to maintain eye contact with your audience. When you look at your viewers directly, you come off as more believable and trustworthy.

3. Consider the Background

When you make a video, people don’t just see you, they see what’s around you, too. In most cases, the best backgrounds are clean and simple. You want people to focus on you and what you’re saying, not the furnishings in your home or office. One way to create a simple background is to buy fabric and drape it across a curtain rod to create a non-distracting background that doesn’t distract from your message. You can also use blur effects to make the background hazy or unclear.

4. Choose What You Wear Carefully

Make sure the clothing you wear in your video doesn’t blend into the background or clash with it. If you have a black background, don’t wear an all-black outfit. Always keep your clothing simple and tasteful. Bold prints and other distracting elements usually aren’t the best choice either. Make sure your clothing is consistent with what the message you’re trying to convey. If you’re trying to market a financial services product, business attire is more appropriate than a mini-skirt or pair of jeans and flip-flops. Consider what you’re promoting and the kind of image you want your audience to associate with you and your brand.

5. Facial Expressions Matter

One of the worst things you can do is come off as unfriendly. Video, these days, is in high-definition and unless you make a conscious effort to smile, you may come off as being humorless and less than friendly. People don’t want to do business with people who are cold and lack a friendly smile. Image by Canva Need proof? A split test was performed and found that ads where a person smiled boosted profits 10.7% over those who didn’t over five weeks. Remind yourself to smile throughout filming. Soon, it will become a habit. Have someone film you a few times before making your video, so you’ll know how often you naturally smile.

6. Skip the Heavy Makeup, but Don’t Go Barefaced Either

Heavy makeup gives the wrong impression, unless you’re advertising a line of cosmetics, and even then, you don’t want to go overboard. Barefaced doesn’t cut it either because video cameras tend to wash out lighter skin tones and cast a blueish tint. The best way to counter this is to wear matte makeup and powder with a slightly warm tone. Use a light coating of concealer in areas you want to cover up, like areas of increased skin pigmentation or pimples. Men can benefit from a light coating of powder to reduce shine, too. Finish up by using eye drops that brighten your eyes and remove redness, as video cameras can make your eyes look slightly red.

Start the Camera!

Now you have some simple tips for how to look better in your next video. You can apply these tips to FaceTime communications too. Feel more comfortable with video communications and always put your best face forward.

Sources “Psychology Behind a Successful Facebook Ad” “Choosing a Background for Your Videos”

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

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